Price of Construction

For MHM Walls

The price of construction with MHM walls is individual and always depends on the specific project.

Are you interested in the pricing for your project?
Contact us.

For a better understanding, the cost of a house with ecological MHM walls is approximately 10% higher than that of a house made of standard materials and cheaper than one made of CLT panels. The production of MHM panels is highly precise, so with accurately processed project documentation, there is no reason for unpleasant cost increases.

The pleasant and ecological living experience in a house made of MHM walls is also reflected in the energy bill.

Do you already have a completed house project, but you’d like it to be made with MHM walls?

We will estimate how much the construction with MHM walls would cost you. The cost for this estimate is 250 €. If you decide to proceed with the MHM walls, we will deduct this amount from the final price of the house, so you won't pay anything extra.

Comparison of Construction Materials


Have you chosen the material for your home yet?

We have prepared a clear comparison of basic construction materials for you.

Watch it now

Advantages of MHM Walls


Ecological and Healthy


Precisely Made


Built Quickly


Safe and Comfortable

Discover all the benefits
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Check out our references

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